FND Fitness Class - Online Specialist. Movement . Relaxation 45 Minute class.

  • Category: FND Fitness
  • Service Duration: 45 Minutes
  • Location:Zoom Link
  • Price:£0 - £30



FND fitness - Online class. 

Tuesdays 10.30

45 minute class delivered by specialist FND therapist. Recommended by FND Friends. 

Suitable for anyone with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of Functional Neurological Disorder or Functional seizures.

Join us to get your body moving, build stamina, balance and strength. Neurological specific exercises mixed with elements of Yoga and Pilates. Followed by a relaxation to calm the nervous system down. The class is infused with support, FND education and specialisit rehabilitation techniques throughout. 

Get an idea of what you can expect at 

FND Fitness Class Demo- nortle

30 spaces per week.

Class Inclusion. 
This class is specifically for people with a Neurological Condition. By joining you are agreeing to abide by the following rules. All activities are undertaken at your own risk. While no injuries are expected Nortle is not responsible or liable for any injuries sustained.   

This class is suitable for anyone with a diagnosis or suspected diagnosis of FND or Functional seizures. Some exercises will be available for seated and standing positions. Variations in exercises will be offered where possible. To make the most of the class you need have the ability to stand and take a few steps with or without equipment. If this isn’t available for you that’s ok, just join in where you can.

You need to be over 16 years of age. Have no alcohol or substance misuse and have access to a computer with video calling. 

Class Rules. 
No recording or photography- Please do not record the session or take any photos. Any recording or photos will be completed by the host only, with group agreement.  
Confidentiality – Please do not share any personal information about others you learn during the class.   
Respect – Please always respect the other members and host.     
Screens – Please feel free to have your screens on or off, whatever makes you comfortable.    
Symptoms – If you experience any symptoms during the class, please make any changes you need to accommodate these.