What was I looking for????? Discover why people living with FND often report memory or thinking difficulties and what you can do to help. Learn practical tips of managing thinking difficulties and ways to improve your concentration. Join us for a one hour (approx) group tutorial. A workbook with all resources will also provided. The tutorial will cover: What is cognition? What is functional cognitive impairment? Why it is common with FND? Functional cognitive difficulties v’s organic difficulties Thinking process What is cognitive overload? Strategies for management of cognitive overload. Next available date: Thinking and Memory 7th May 1.30 pm Previous participants comments: " Learning about how the brain processes information and things that can cause cognitive difficulties was very interesting and explained in a way that was easy to follow and understand" 5/5 "Learning what causes the brain to become over stimulated has helped me understand the difficulties I experience" 5/5


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